At the end of every year, it’s a great time to take a minute to look back at the year, see what you’ve accomplished, and get ready to look ahead to the new year! It’s been said – and I think accurately so – we tend to overestimate what we can accomplish in a day. (I am VERY guilty of that!!) and we tend to underestimate what we can accomplish in a year.
But it’s not about the numbers… it’s about the changed lives!!
How do we focus on the transformation? By staying true to our 5 Core Values:
Those values can be summed up in this one statement:
It’s not about the program. It’s about the person.
We definitely believe in our program. It is a fantastic metabolic approach to weight loss, that views weight loss as a healing process. Coming alongside clients that struggle with weight loss resistance to help them get to the root cause, addressing underneath how your body actually functions versus just tricking it short term with calories in, calories out math.
That means… lab testing, medical supervision, personalized protocols with Biblical mindset coaching and more!! We’ve put together a great combination!!
So… don’t get me wrong… we LOVE the D.R.E.S.S. program. A common theme we hear from our clients is they like/need the structure. They need someone to tell them what to focus on.
BUT… it’s not really about the program. It’s not really about the diet.
And the exercise.
It’s not about the supplement protocol.
It’s not about the lab tests.
It’s about the PERSON.
Because all the externals (food, movement, stress coping, supplements…) will not be as effective if we didn’t focus on the PERSON.
What self sabotage traps does the client fall into? How do they learn? What motivates them to make changes? What is their relationship with food? What is their weekly schedule? What stresses them out?
What life stage? What pains have they been through? What are things that are limitations and challenges for them?
So, when we say “It’s not about the program”… we are saying…the D.R.E.S.S. for Health program is really a framework that’s personalized to you, the person. And when it’s looked at through the lens of the person it’s similar to:
- In education … “Teach the student, not just the subject.”
- In science … “It’s the solvent, not just the solutes.”
- In functional medicine … “It’s about the environment of the body, not just the cancer.”
- In nutrition… “It’s about the function, not just the food.”
This belief… is viewing the treatment of cancer through the lens of how to create an environment where cancer cannot thrive. It’s viewing water as the regulator of all the solutes (substances). It’s viewing weight loss and health through the eyes of the person, not a cookie cutter list of do’s and don’ts.
So…Why holistic nutrition? Because holistic nutrition is defined as “the belief that one’s health is an expression of the complex interplay between physical, psychological, and spiritual aspects of one’s life.” That’s a secular definition by the National Association of Nutrition Professionals.
When clients are willing to take a whole person approach… that’s the transformation.
And that’s what we are all about! – LIFE TRANSFORMATION!! –
In each of our video / newsletter series this month, I’d like to highlight what each of these values means to us and how each belief defines how we get results for our clients!
CORE VALUE #1: Health is our stewardship
We’re responsible for our own health. Bad health is not God’s punishment. It’s not just something we accept as part of the curse. Health is a gift and our responsibility to our Creator to manage that gift.
CORE VALUE #2: You are unique.
You’re an individual, created in God’s image with a unique purpose. Living aligned with His purposes is true transformation. Our Coaching Program is personalized to you, to help you live your purpose!
CORE VALUE #3: True nutrition research always aligns with God’s design.
In true nutrition science and even true health and medical research will align with God’s design for how our globe and our bodies are supposed to work. True research is not agenda driven. It’s not faulty. It’s not cherry picked. True science confirms Scripture, cutting through the confusion!
CORE VALUE #4: Food should never separate us from people.
Our focus here at Eureka is making sure that food actually connects you with people. We don’t believe in super restrictive diets or extreme eating plans. We believe in the progression of nutrition in Scripture, focusing on the function (of the body) and the quality of the food while making it workable in real life!! Food is really a ministry.
CORE VALUE #5: Gratefulness is always on the menu!
INSERT SALLY FALLON QUOTE — If you didn’t catch it. We just did a video series on the power of gratefulness to reclaim health and lose weight! Check that series out on our YouTube Channel And there’s such a key healing piece to gratefulness. That even the healthiest foods can’t supply.
In each of the Mastery Monday Newsletters and Video Series this month – let’s walk through each Core Value and specifically how they impact the why of what we do here at Eureka!
AND… more importantly…
How that can change your life this year!!