It’s not about the program.

It’s about the person.

About E!


To help clients reclaim health and master weight through personalized nutrition and health coaching from a functional medicine, faith-based approach.


To develop a community of likeminded clients, coaches and partners committed to knowing Him, and making Him known through holistic nutrition. 

My Story

I just wanted to know what I should fix for dinner!  Really.  The more I researched nutrition on my own, the more confused I became.  As a physical education major and personal trainer, I thought I understood the basics. I was wrong

After enrolling in both the Nutritional Therapy Association’s practitioner program and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Health Coaching program I could finally say…  Eureka! I found it! 

A framework for nutritional truth that not only made sense, but it also confirmed my faith!!  I lost 33+lbs without effort,  sleep improved, moods and energy stabilized, digestive discomfort, allergies and Hashimotos symptoms began to slowly disappear.  

But the real transformation was my new perspective of who God is and His design for my wholeness.

Core Values

apple with #1 on it

Health is a gift to us and a primary STEWARDSHIP


apple with #2 on it

You are UNIQUE. Your program should be too.

apple with #3 on it

True nutrition always aligns with God’s DESIGN

apple with #4 on it

Food should never separate us from people we LOVE

apple with #5 on it

GRATEFULNESS should always be on the menu!!

What is Holistic Nutrition?

“The belief that one’s health is an expression of the complex interplay between the physical, psychological and spiritual aspects of one’s life and being.” – NANP (National Association of Nutrition Professionals)


CLINIC PARTNER: Real Health Medical

Faith Based Difference

We believe our health is a stewardship. A God-given gift to be used for good, largely influenced by our choices, with the responsibility to be maintained to the best of our ability.

Taking care of our whole person health is an expression of gratefulness to our Creator and our desire to fulfill His purposes for our lives.   

At times our ability, knowledge or resources are limited, and we need extra guidance.  Our modern world and cultural demands often work against us, making it more difficult to live healthy lives.

God has outlined an intentional progression for nutritional instruction in Scripture that forms a powerful framework for how God has designed our bodies! We believe living by God's design is mastery freedom!

The D.R.E.S.S. Coaching Program walks clients through this Scripture framework as you move through the Phases and customizes this framework to you!

Faith-based isn't passive; its active. Focused. Intentional. Building our lives around God's purposes and aligning our perspective with His requires clearly understanding Him. It's NOT about self-actualization, enlightenment or improvement. It's always about God "enlightenment" that brings freedom physically and spiritually.   

Understanding the message of food in the Bible holistically from Genesis to Revelation and how to live in accordance to that is what our faith-based difference is all about!

Whole persongrace-filled and truth-focused coaching helps clients uncover the physical, psychological, and spiritual stressors that are blocking their health and weight mastery.


Functional Difference 

The functional (metabolic) approach respects the amazing design and innate intelligence of the body to function optimally when given the tools and support to do so.

Functional medicine asks "why" going beyond the calories in / calories out equation to discover the root cause of metabolic health related weight loss resistance.

...even when we are doing "ALL THE THINGS"!!

The functional approach understands that excess body fat is not a condition or pathology.  Body fat excess (the visceral, unhealthy type) is a protective, adaptive response - a result; not a root.  It's a symptom of the problem; not the problem itself. 

Long term, sustainable results - MASTERY - happens when we address the underlying metabolic priorities!

Test, don't guess is our motto! It's not about being "in range".  It's about restoring optimal function by discovering your D.R.E.S.S. strategies for the 3 key metabolic health priorities: 

  • Cellular Energy & Metabolism
  • Detox & Gut Health 
  • Hormone Balance 

Our all-in-one comprehensive metabolic lab test - NutriStat is different than testing you will find through a primary care or specialist office.  This test not only looks at direct measurements, but more importantly root cause function. 

As part of our functional approach, we combine both subjective symptom assessments and objective lab testing to personalize client D.R.E.S.S. protocols. Partnered with Real Health Medical, our Nurse Practitioner reviews each NutriStat to ensure our client's success!

Basic Statement of Faith:

The Scriptures:

We believe the Bible, comprised of the Old and New Testaments, to be the inspired, infallible, and authoritative Word of God (Matthew 5:18; 2 Timothy 3:16-17). In faith we hold the Bible to be inerrant in the original writings, God-breathed, and the complete and final authority for faith and practice (2 Timothy 3:16-17).  The reliability of the Scriptures is based on the following evidences: archealogical, prophetical, national, historical, logical, natural and supernatural.  These evidences work together. In isolation they can be fallible and subject to misinterpretation, but if viewed holistically they create an overwhelming body of evidence for believing the Bible is true.

The Godhead:

We believe in the one triune God: who is personal, spirit, and sovereign; perfect, infinite, and eternal in His being, holiness and love, wisdom and power; absolutely separate and above the world as its creator, yet everywhere present in the world as the Upholder of all things; self-existent and self-revealing in three distinct Persons, The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit, each having a distinct ministry in God’s relation to His creation and people.

The Eternal Purposes of God:

We believe His purposes are progressively revealed  from "In the beginning" to "Even so, come, Lord Jesus". God has progressively revealed Himself in three "Words".   His Natural Word - creation spoken into existence ("The heavens declare the glory of God"). His Written Word - the Scriptures preserved ("The Word of God is living and powerful"). His Living Word - the Person of Jesus - ("In these last days spoken to us by His Son.")  "Faith comes by hearing. And hearing by the word of God." Romans 10:17.

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Changed Lives

No more headaches!

I feel so much better and I’m not even doing everything yet! No more headaches – my clothes feel looser and I just feel better.  I don’t get out of breath when I walk up and down my steps now!  I can’t wait to get into the full program!

–  Joyce J.

My clothes fit again!

I’ve already lost some inches and my old clothes fit again but I definitely want to keep going!  

The food plan recipe ideas have really helped.  And my heartburn and bloating are gone after completing my Phase 2 supplement protocol!  I’m thankful for the accountability of this program and I am thrilled to finally be building a healthy lifestyle vs. following a short term diet!

Shante C.

I feel such a difference!

I tried one smoothie recipe today and it was so good and easy to make!   I’ve been following my protocol for about 3 weeks now, and I feel such a difference!

Jessica S.

Lost weight through holidays!

It’s been quite a year thus far with so many personal crises happening, but I’ve still managed to lose about 12 lbs thru the holidays and a total of 15 lbs so far and I’m only on Phase 2!!! Not bad!!!😀

Sheila S.

Bye-bye Joint/muscle pain!

The learning modules were so helpful and the protocols were easy to understand. I have been able to accomplish a lot of my goals!  My sleep has improved –  falling asleep better and not waking up as much – and feeling more energy when I wake up.  This has allowed me to be able to say yes to things that I had to miss out on before!

I’ve been so encouraged in Phase 2 of the program to see my body NOT react to some foods that were triggers before (gluten & dairy) and I don’t experience the same level of mucus I did when I wake up.  The probiotic protocol has allowed me to have regular bowel movements every morning again!  

The combination of my herbal hormone support, strength training and breathing exercise routine in Phase 3 has made a real difference in helping to eliminate my bad joint/muscle pain.  When I took a recent road trip to visit family, I did not notice any pain at all!

I have the tools to put it all together for a lifestyle after finishing Phase 4, so I don’t have to fear going back to my old symptoms!

– Sonya K.

Buying clothes is fun again!

Just wanted to share some exciting news with you! Went clothes shopping today before our event, and I tried a large, and it fit!! And it fit comfortably and it wasn’t tight. It actually fit how it should! I had fun buying a new dress to wear to an upcoming wedding too. Weight is down 21 lbs so far… and that was all Phase 1.

With Phase 2 my digestion has improved so much, that I can now eat a hamburger or ice cream every now and then without having to make a sprint to the bathroom! We talked about emotional health for me and my kids and I have to say my son is a different kid as a result of your recommendation of Bioray NDF Calm!!

As I start Phase 3 I have had some crazy stressors happen both personally and in my job, and normally I would be down and out with migraines. I am so much stronger to cope with this stress series and feel more energy and no migraines! I’m excited to see what my Phase 3 protocol will allow me to accomplish! Then…one more Phase to go!!

– Emma D.

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