Welcome to Eureka! Holistic Nutrition

Welcome to Eureka! Holistic Nutrition

Welcome, Friend! We’re thrilled to have you join us on this amazing journey in holistic nutrition! Our prayer is that the information shared will change your life in so many positive ways - like it has ours. There may be times reclaiming your wellbeing, losing weight,...

Tips for Increasing the Nutritional Value of Produce 

Did you know that the way you store your produce can impact the nutritional value of the food? The cooking process can also either increase or decrease nutrients! The book Eating on the Wild Side by Jo Robinson provides information on several types of produce with...

7 Success Tools

Inside D.R.E.S.S. for Health Coaching Program each client can utilize 7 different success tools!!  Since we believe that reclaiming metabolic health for weight loss is not just about calories in and calories out… there are other - more important -  pieces to the...

7 Gut Health Links to Weight Loss

7 Gut Health Links to Weight Loss

Has your weight loss stalled?  Frustrated with losing and gaining the same 5-10 pounds over and over again?  The answer may be your gut health.  May sound like a bit of a stretch to think our digestive system may hold the key to losing those unwanted pounds,...

What’s Wrong with Dieting?

What’s Wrong with Dieting?

The list is endless on the dieting plans you could try!  Their popularity usually peaks and wanes over time when the next new diet comes on the market.  Each diet has its central concept or premise to why it works (especially for weight loss).   ...

Starting Again?

Starting Again?

It’s a new year! A fresh start! I love beginnings. Don’t you? “His compassions fail not. They are new every morning. Great is Your faithfulness!” Lamentations 3:22-23  God is all about starting again. There’s no place we can go that is beyond His reach to start over. ...

Eureka! Holiday D.R.E.S.S Tips- STRESS

Eureka! Holiday D.R.E.S.S Tips- STRESS

‘Tis the season for joy, excitement, special memories and maybe a little bit of added stress. We have discussed how stress can have an affect on your overall health and wellness in our article Turning Stress to Strength! Three types of stressors are physical,...

Eurkea! Holiday D.R.E.S.S Tips- Exercise

Eurkea! Holiday D.R.E.S.S Tips- Exercise

Why wait until January 1st to start those New Year Resolutions? One of the most common resolutions is to exercise more. Often times during the holiday season, exercise is not a priority and often doesn’t get done. We know from our  F.I.T.T.ness Fix article, that...

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