Our Core Values are what make us different, they shape how we work with clients, and what we’ve put together in our program.  Our Core Value #3 of “True nutrition always aligns with God’s design.” This is so key to how we operate and what we believe and allows us to avoid confusion, clear up controversy and help our clients do the same.

No matter what new scientific study comes out, or whatever the latest nutrition information or recommendation hits the pages of the news –  it doesn’t really matter. Scripture confirms science, not the other way around. Scripture will always confirm true scientific research.

When I first started studying nutrition, I became so confused because of all the conflicting information.  Why is there so much confusion in the world of nutrition? 

I’ve summarized it in this slide here.  

Bad vs. Good:  Many times foods are labeled bad versus good. For example, omega six fats, like saturated fats are bad, but omega three fats are good. 

Well, that’s not really true. It’s more about the ratio and the source. You don’t want a whole lot of omega 6 saturated fats in your diet with very little omega 3’s. We just have an imbalance of the ratio. But both can be good or bad for us depending on their source and ratio. Good vs bad creates confusion. 

Biased Science:  Scientific studies often can have agendas. Who pays for the study?

Where is the study done? What is the agenda of the study? Has the study data been cherry picked and only partially reported? 

Breakthroughs: The latest and greatest plant for this, the latest and greatest food for that, come and go and can distract our thinking and skew our perspective.

Belief Systems:  Different faiths and belief systems all have their philosophy of food, and it’s centered around what they believe, and sometimes belief systems can dictate what foods should be eaten and shouldn’t be eaten. From a Christian faith based standpoint is based on a Creator and His design. 

Bioindividuality:  Every person is different. In a different every stage of life, and our nutritional needs can change, our health profiles can change, and the function of our bodies can change. It’s not just about the food, it’s also about the function, and how they both work together. 

How can we clear up the confusion? By understanding and filtering info through God’s design.

So what is God’s design? 

Polyface Farms in Charlottesville, Virginia – Joel Salatin is a great example of someone who aligns with God’s design.  He’s written books. He’s a speaker, Christian businessman who has aligned his agricultural practices, philosophy of food, and made his livelihood from a grass-based pastured operation that’s profitable, that’s clean, that produces nourishing food. It’s fantastic.

Knowing if nutrition information is true… we always want Scripture confirms science. Nutrition history confirms nutrition science. What does God’s Word say?

There’s a whole progression of food instruction in the Bible. We have a Bible study about that.   Free Food Faith Bible Study will be published in 2025!!  We also have a Food Faith Video Playlist on our YouTube Channel.   Food Faith Framework is part of our coaching program! 

But here’s a few verses that I want to consider. 

Psalm 104: 14-15 – “God causes grass to grow for the cattle and vegetation or herbs for the service of man that he may bring forth food from the earth and wine that makes glad the heart of man, oil to make his face shine and bread that strengthens man’s heart.”

When I talked to a kindergarten class about this subject, about what is healthy eating, I asked five year olds – “What do cows eat?” And they all raised their hands and answered – “grass!!”  Yes!  That is God’s design for them.

God designed a cow’s four stomachs to eat/ferment grass/herbs, and when we eat their meat – grassfed beef is a healthy nutritional profile vs. beef from a huge agricultural feeding operations that they are fed GMO corn, processed grains, animal byproducts, things that they’re never designed to be eating.

Herbs are such a service to man. So many medicines and natural supplements are made from herbs and serves our health.  

Wine that makes the heart glad. Anything that’s fermented or cultured has good bacteria in it, and it actually can build our neurotransmitter function (chemicals of emotion)

Oil is nourishing to the skin. It’s also protective and balancing for anti-aging. 

Bread has 48 of the 52 essential nutrients that strengthens our hearts (B vitamins, Vit. E, fiber, magnesium, etc)  when grains are aligned with God’s design of soured or sprouted and not processed.  

God’s design in food, if we’re following that, we can know that is healthy eating, no matter what the mainstream experts say! 

Is this something people have eaten for thousands of years? 

Is the food itself raised properly according to God’s design? 

Is the food produced according to God’s design? 

Does it eat what God intended for that animal to eat? 

So how did we get so lost and so far removed from God’s design? 

And that’s the problem. 

It’s not the food itself. 

It’s not the wheat.

It’s not the dairy. 

It’s not the red meat. 

It’s the process of going step by step by step away from God’s design for how He made these foods to be that is causing the health/obesity problems of our modern day. 

And that started with refining cane sugar,  and that evolved into more of a mass production of foods with the Industrial Revolution in the 1800s, that was originally meant for machinery and automobiles.

The food giants (like the Kellog’s Brothers) of the 1900s took that concept of industrial mass production and applied it to food. And we saw a shift from agricultural to more city jobs, factory jobs – less farms and more centralized food production. 

At that time, the family dynamic changed too with women entering the workforce. And then we had World War II where we had to ship food off to troops and keep them preserved for long periods of time, have them be able to be heated quickly, so we had the invention of the microwave and food chemical preservatives and additives.

When the war was over, we had all these chemicals that we used to make weapons, we started translating them into fertilizers and pesticides and herbicides and things that  became more and more industrial, processed food based. Instead of food being food, it became a product. And then the final move away from God’s design was genetic modification. Companies like Monsanto would take and patent seeds and actually bio-engineer them to be pest resistant and products like Roundup (glyphosate) became the norm. 

Today, our modern food system is very removed from the way God intended for us to eat. God provided nutrients in His foods all over the globe that as long as those foods were locally grown, non- denatured and properly prepared, then that people group was healthy.  As soon as a people group started eating processing foods, denaturing foods, getting foods shipped in their health started to decline.

Thirteen + years of research is documented in Nutrition and Physical Degeneration by Weston A Price

And how do we align food with God’s design? How are chickens and cows, fish, designed to eat? What are they supposed to be eating? For example, eggs in stores have so many different labels  – How do you know which is best? 

Some eggs are labeled vegetarian.  Are chickens supposed to be vegetarian? 

Chickens’ naturally designed diet consists of bugs and worms, so no, they’re actually not vegetarian. Don’t get swayed by some health claims! 

Another example,  all the studies on red meat that say it’s an unhealthy food, it’s because those studies were done on CAFO –  Commercial Agricultural Feed Operation beef cattle.  Grassfed beef has a totally different nutrition profile.  

Fish – are they wild caught or farm raised?  Cold water fish, especially the big ocean fish that are known to be high in mercury – if wild caught – . Also, if they’re wild caught vs. farm raised often have higher levels of selenium to neutralize the toxicity of mercury.

Other examples are grain and dairy. These foods are probably the most changed foods in our whole food system than what God designed them to be. Grains have been prepared for thousands of years by being sprouted or soured. Sourdough (traditional sourdough in which the grain is fermented, not just the yeast of modern commercial sourdough) has been the traditional way of preparing grains all the way back to the times of Genesis.

Grains, nowadays are highly processed, stripped of nutrients, attempted to be fortified to add some of the nutrients back in, (but those nutrients may show on the label, but don’t have the same function in the body), devoid of fiber and convert to sugar very quickly. The processed gluten content is so high, and our digestive systems are reaping the consequences! 

But it’s not the grain. It’s really how we’re processing the grain, and it’s really the function of our own bodies and how that has degenerated over the years.

Sweeteners, what kind of sweeteners have been eaten for generations? Have we used aspartame and sucralose and all of the artificial sweeteners? No, they’re brand new – over the last hundred years that we have never eaten chemically laden sweeteners.

Raw honey,  pure maple syrup, molasses,  organic coconut sugar,   – those kinds of sweeteners are going to be much more nutritious.

How about fats and oils? Are we eating animal fats from quality animal products? That’s part of God’s design.   Avoid processed seed oils from GMO commodity crops like soy and canola and cottonseed, and choose avocado, olive, coconut oils that are minimally processed. 

Part of God’s design is also a cycle for the seasons. He has a color palette of foods that are in season at certain times, and they’re nutrition we need at certain times. So eating the most local, the most seasonal based, and with a lot of color, you know you’re getting a lot of nutrition when you eat that way.

What nutrient dense whole foods provide for our physical nourishment show us such a beautiful picture of what God in Christ provides for our spiritual nourishment.  

Jesus is the Bread of Life – Carbohydrates

Jesus is the Living Water – Water

Jesus is the Lamb of God – Protein

Jesus is the First Fruits – Vitamins

Jesus is the Anointed One – Fats

Jesus is the True Vine – Minerals

Foods provide the body with energy, function, healing, nourishment and cleansing. 

Jesus provides our spirits with the same!! 

At Eureka! we believe that true nutrition always aligns with God’s design. 

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