We believe in a personalized approach to reclaiming health and mastering weight. Because it’s more about the function of the body (metabolics) than it is about the math (calories in calories out)

I just gotta say it.  

AI tech is very cool.  Amazing really.  BUT, please don’t use AI to answer your health questions!!

You are unique, a person, not a robot.  Artificial intelligence is limited.


#1:  Lack of personalization – Your medical history, personal health profile, metabolic function, and other nuances specific to the person.

#2:  Health info could be misinterpreted – Depending on the type of info, expectations of results, how to apply the info, what action steps to take, the level of seriousness, etc. can be misconstrued and even harmful

#3:  Health information could be inaccurate or misleading – AI generated answers can come from biased/agenda driven or even non-legitimate sources

#4:  Lack of clinical judgement – AI tools cannot replicate the professional and personal connection clinical judgement provides – that judgement is not captured through a text conversation.

**Providing health related advice comes with ethical responsibilities

#5: Delayed professional care – AI generated answers can provide a false security and delay you from seeking professional care that could lead to the possibly of health conditions worsening.

Ask AI for recipes. Sure. Ask AI for ideas for isometric stretches. Ok.

But when it comes to recommendations for your health and weight mastery, don’t base your strategy around AI answers!!    YOUR program and combination of tools you need to be successful are unique.  

Enrolling in the  D.R.E.S.S. Program gives you a tool belt.  The combination of tools you put in your tool belt may look totally different than the next client we work with!!

You may be wondering…How do we personalize your tool belt?

SUBJECTIVE ASSESSMENTS:  How you feel – Your specific symptom burden

Nutri-Q Online Assessment & Other Self Assessments

OBJECTIVE  ASSESSMENTS: Exactly what’s going on in your body

NutriStat Comprehensive Lab Testing

Our Nurse Practitioner, licensed nutritionists review these assessments and personalize your program and protocols for each phase based on you – what tools, strategies are you ready to tackle?   What easy wins can we get fast? What strategies will take a bit longer based on your limitations or challenges.   

PHYSICAL UNIQUENESS: Every BODY is different!!

Your health profile, body type, mobility, ethnicity, metabolic function, personal responsibilities and time management…


Your emotional and mental health, your personality, how you learn, your mindset, what triggers emotional stress…


Your relationship with God, purpose, belief systems, values, what motivates you, who you trust…


Here’s two quick examples of nutrition personalization tools we can offer to our clients!

#1 – E! NutriBlend 

Included in the D.R.E.S.S. program is a personalized compounded supplement!!  Based on the nutrient deficiencies/ dosing that show up on the lab testing we can formulate a blend for you to take throughout the program!!

#2 – Superfood Smoothie

Each phase includes its own superfood smoothie.  It depends on what the focus of the phase is and what the protocol is, but we can personalize a superfood smoothie for that client that is very easy to make and replaces a meal. 

The strategies (tools) for lifestyle that can retrain our metabolic controls are:

FOCUSED – so clients know exactly what to do – and what NOT to worry about yet.

PHASED – keeps clients from feeling overwhelmed

TESTED – using bioenergetic testing we can determine how effective the specific tools will be


Mindset. Beliefs. Stress. Motivation.  All these inner person aspects to reclaiming health and mastering weight are addressed through Group and 1:1 Coaching!   

Let’s turn stress to strength.  

Let’s trade apathy for motivation.

Let’s switch off false moods and turn on truthful beliefs.

Let’s retrain negative thought loops. 

Let’s stop managing and start mastering. 

That’s what coaching is all about. 

We celebrate the wins. Especially small wins. 

We keep you accountable and encourage you.  

We guide you. 

We help determine the right tools for your tool belt!

We walk with you. 

We talk with you. 

Supported clients are successful clients.  Having someone to walk with you, having someone to talk to about it, having someone to say… Hey, I’ve been there and done that.  I’ve made this mistake, I had to shift my thinking too about this… or I realized I needed to… so helpful in achieving the long term transformation you are looking for with health and weight.

When your goal is to actually retrain your metabolic and how your body functions, the personalized approach is a game-changer requirement!

At Eureka! we never want to lose the personalization.  Even when we want to be able to help more people…”You are unique” is a core value of our program, and always will be.

Apply today to talk with a Coach to see how the D.R.E.S.S. Program could work for you!! 

**Our Program Price is increasing by $300 in January – Enroll in 2024!  Get Started in 2025!

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