Anytime we study a topic in Scripture we want to make sure we let the Scripture speak for itself.  One way to do this is to literally look up the word or words we are interested in studying.  See where and how they are used to gain the full context.  

For example, the word MERCY is found over 225 times in the Old Testament, and only 60 times in the New Testament.  This is significant because MERCY means: NOT giving us something we DO deserve.  

That’s God COVERING our sin.  

That’s the old testament law and sacrificial system.   But GRACE is found 131 times in the New Testament and only 39 times in the Old Testament.  This is significant because GRACE means:  GIVING us something we DON’T deserve

That’s God CONQUERING our sin.   

That’s the power of the gospel and the person and work of Jesus accomplished. 

How does this apply to food in the Bible?  

There are actually seven different food instructions highlighted in the Bible.  Why does food instruction change from the garden in Genesis to the Marriage Supper of the Lamb in Revelation?  Food is also everywhere in between, and is simply another channel that God uses to help us understand who He is and His purposes for us. 

The Seven Timeframes &  Food Instructions:

#1 – Creation & Design = Garden Nutrition 

#2 – Fall & Curse = Cursed Nutrition

#3 – Flood & Promise =  Global Nutrition

#4 – Law & Consequences = National Nutrition

#5 – Christ & Gospel = Transitional Nutrition

#6 – Church & Freedom = Social Nutrition

#7 – Kingdom & Restoration = Kingdom Nutrition

God’s food instruction mirrors His purposes for that timeframe in history and communicates to us a timeless plan!  So, what are God’s food instructions, and what do they teach us?

The food instructions of the garden can bring amazing healing!  The clean meats of the Old Testament law are still considered clean today.  However, the purpose of the law was fulfilled in Christ and food no longer identifies us or cleanses us.  The purpose for food has changed.  But every food instruction is “profitable for instruction” and is helpful and true.  It’s like the garden is kindergarten, the law is high school, the church age is college, and the future kingdom is post graduate!  What we learned in kindergarten is still true.  But we have moved past that onto greater knowledge… onto different purposes.  

Each of God’s food instructions are based on three things:

  1. The Ground – source of all physical life
  2. His Presence – where is God’s presence focused?
  3. His Purpose – what is God accomplishing?

Let’s take a closer look at each of these.  

The ground and the elements it contains is the source God used to create plants, animals and humans – “out of the ground” – Genesis 1.  And God even tells us that to the ground we will return.  “From dust you were brought forth and to dust you shall return.”  What happens to the ground mirrors God’s purposes for us!!! 

Creation & Design: The Ground is CREATED

Fall & Curse:  The Ground is CURSED

Flood & Promise: The Ground is COVERED

Law & Consequence: The Ground is CLAIMED 

Christ & Gospel: The Ground is CLEANSED

Church & Freedom:  The Ground is CONQUORED

Kingdom & Restoration:  The Ground is COMPLETED

His presence is everywhere, but it is also intentionally focused in different ways throughout history.  His presence also affects His food instruction and purpose!

His purpose of what He is communicating and accomplishing during each of the seven timeframes is illustrated in His food instruction!!

Creation & Design: REGENERATION


Flood & Promise: DOMINION

Law & Consequence: IDENTIFICATION

Christ & Gospel: LIBERATION

Church & Freedom:  CELEBRATION

Kingdom & Restoration:  COMMEMORATION

Sign up for our FREE Bible Study to discover God’s Seven Purposes for Food and how to apply them to your life for both physical health and spiritual health!!

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