What does a sluggish metabolism really mean? If you have a sluggish metabolism this means the three metabolic controls of cellular energy, gut health/detoxification and hormone signaling are not working like they should or once did. 

You feel tired (even after a decent night’s sleep)

You get jittery when you haven’t eaten

You’re not sleeping well

You feel bloated

You battle brain fog

And more….

A sluggish metabolism means you are: 

  • Not burning food for fuel effectively
  • Not able to switch from glucose (sugar) burning mode to ketone (fat) burning mode easily
  • Not digesting your food optimally
  • Not detoxifying efficiently
  • Not signally hormones correctly

How do I know if my metabolism is sluggish? Here are Five At Home Tests you can do to find out!

TEST #1:  Body Temperature

One of the easiest ways to assess your metabolic health at home is a simple body temperature measurement. Body temperature is a sign of how well your body is creating and utilizing energy. A byproduct of energy production is heat.  This means, a lower body temperature could be a sign that your body is not producing a lot of energy or has a sluggish metabolism.  A thriving body with a strong metabolism generates plenty of energy so that all functions of the body run smoothly. Ideal temperatures are in the high 97s/low 98s degrees F upon waking, and should slowly rise after meals until reaching 98.6 deg F midday or early afternoon. **Check out the Metabolic Assessment below for how to use this body temp test!

*How to Assess Your Metabolic Health at Home: Ashley Armstrong, April 16, 2024

TEST #2:  Pulse Rate

Your pulse rate is also a key indicator of your metabolism.  Pulse measurements should be in the 70-90/95 BPM range throughout the day.  Someone running on stress hormones can also have artificially elevated body temperatures, especially first thing in the morning. Thus, including the pulse rate measurement helps create a more complete assessment. Your pulse rate is reflective of the amount of nutrients and energy delivered to cells throughout the body (and this delivery is vital for proper ATP (energy) production!) Despite popular belief, while a low heart rate may come with a super fit body, it is not always a sign of good health and can be a sign of a slower metabolism. 

*How to Assess Your Metabolic Health at Home: Ashley Armstrong, April 16, 2024

TEST #3:  Barnes Thyroid Temp Test

Dr. Barnes’ Basal Temperature Test (BBTT) is a method used to assess thyroid function. It involves measuring the body’s basal temperature upon waking. The test is based on the idea that low thyroid function can result in a lower body temperature. According to Dr. Broda Otto Barnes, who developed and promoted the test, a normal reading upon waking is around 97.8 °F (36.6 °C). If the basal temperature consistently deviates from this range, it might indicate an underactive thyroid.  **Check out the Barnes Temp Test for how to do this test!

TEST #4:  Keto Mojo

In our D.R.E.S.S. Coaching Program each client receives a Keto Mojo Basic Starter Kit to begin monitoring how their body using glucose and ketones in real time!  Your GlucoseKetone Index or GKI  is a great indicator if they are in fat burning mode and how foods affect their metabolism.

To learn more about this device: https://keto-mojo.com/testing-basics/

To get started with Keto Mojo: **ORDER KETO MOJO HERE

TEST #5:  BMR Calculator

Did you know that you burn calories even if you laid on the couch all day?  It’s called your Base Metabolic Rate.  You can calculate your BMR based on a formula at https://www.calculator.net/bmr-calculator.html.  Enter your basic information and you will be able to know how many calories your body burns at rest.  This doesn’t include basic activities like walking to check the mail or even doing your normal daily activities.  This number is the starting point for how we customize a client’s nutrition plan.  Even though we don’t focus on calories, the Base Metabolic Rate can help us determine macros (amount of proteins, carbs and fats) that work best for the client then we focus on which foods in those macro categories will help retrain the metabolic controls of energy management, gut & detox and hormone signaling!

Have you learned about your Three Metabolic Controls yet?  

Check out our Metabolic Approach Video in our NEW Free Course on root cause, metabolic approach for why we pack on the pounds or why we can’t seem to shed the weight!

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