In Part 1 of this article/video series, we highlighted the top five nutrient thieves. We followed that with Part 2, as we connected the dots on exactly how proteins, carbs, and fats, vitamins and mineral deficiencies can be a root cause for weight loss resistance. 

Part three is super practical. 

It’s the hope.

It’s the solution. 

In this part 3, we are going to dive into the connection between nutrient deficiencies and weight loss by looking at solving the problem side of the equation. Renourishing and replenishing all the nutrient deficiencies and how that impacts our body’s ability to release the weight. 

As you have seen in previous articles, when we talk about weight loss we take a different approach than calories in calories out or CICO model. At Eureka! we take the metabolic and functional approach. If our body is not optimally functioning that is why we have weight gain we shouldn’t have. 

It’s about the metabolics. 

So when we talk about metabolics we’re talking about three main areas. 

  • Energy and metabolism and the mitochondria of our cells 
  • Gut health and detox 
  • Hormones 

It sounds complicated, but it’s really not! The key is using nutrition to address the nutritional deficiencies. This is so important to increase the function of building energy, detoxifying, healing the gut and hormone balance. 

How do you increase your nutrition quality and quantity for things that you’re deficient in? 

Let’s look at some basic nutrition principles! We know from true nutrition science like Weston A. Price, Francis Pottinger and others who have studied food over 13 years and tested it from all kinds of people groups, primitive groups and they found these five common nutritional truths. 

#1 A variety of healthy diets for a variety of people groups are possible.

It’s not like there’s one size fits all when it comes to diet recommendations. There’s Eskimos that live in the high northern Scandinavian climate who eat high high fat diets, very little fruits and vegetables, their weight is normal and they’re healthy. There’s tropical people groups in Africa who eat a lot of fruit, a lot of root vegetables, a little bit of fish, very little fat and they’re super healthy. There’s Asian cultures that have a lot of high rice, high carbohydrate type foods and they are healthy! 

#2 and #3  Eat Non-Denatured Whole Foods that are Found Close to Home 

 It doesn’t matter where they were on the globe, Dr. Price found that the healthy people groups were the ones that ate the non-denatured whole foods. These foods were prepared correctly, not processed with high heat and they ate them close to home. Once they started consuming processed imported foods their overall health declined. 

#4 and #5 Include Animal Proteins and Fat Soluble Vitamins 

The research also showed that every single people group had some kind of form of animal food. This shows that nutrition is governed by natural laws. Dr. Price discovered there is a design for food consumption. He said there is a need for the fat soluble factors such as vitamin A, D, E and K from animal sources, not just plants. There was no culture that didn’t have some form of animal product in their diet.

In our FREE course we disucss these nutrition principles and more! We have also used these principles to put together a whole nutrition guide. The foods are placed into three categories: 

  • Green– go-to foods
  • Yellow – caution foods
  • Red– stop foods 

These dietary recommendations are not meant to be real restrictive, instead we focus on low glycemic options for weight loss and cultured/fermented healing foods. We walk people through the phases of our weight loss program, D.R.E.S.S. for Health, using this guide and modifying it to what we’re really working on each of the three metabolic controls.

Using the get started guide, our clients kick start weight loss with seven tips of nutrition and focusing on green go-to foods! This nutrient dense diet helps them start the process of recovering nutrient deficiencies and in turn supports the three metabolic controls. 

So what does this diet look like in practice? 

Nutrient dense whole foods are really these four groups at each meal:

  • Protein
  • Natural Fat
  • Carbohydrate (rawish)
  • Probiotic Food 

We walk clients through how to actually build their own personalized meal template. We help in finding foods that are high quality, organic, chemical free, cultured and fermented to really help increase the nutrient density of the foods they are eating!

With protein sources we encourage items that are clean, pasture raised, wild caught, etc. We teach you how to soak beans and use other protein sources like lentils. Natural fats such as avocados, olives, cold water fish, olive oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, ghee and butter instead of the processed fats are encouraged as well. 

For rawish carbohydrate options, fermented/cultured vegetables are a great choice! For instance, cabbage has a certain amount of vitamin C raw, but when you ferment it (you add the good bacteria) and it becomes sauerkraut, you’re increasing that vitamin C a hundred times! This is just one example of the nutrient density probiotic foods can give you!  

When we really solve nutrient deficiencies and we’ve replenished all of our nutrients, what does that look like? 

We’re sending a message to our body and giving it permission to release excess fat, giving it permission to release excess weight that we don’t need. So give your body this permission by sending the message of abundance, by supporting your own ability to detox, by improving your energy and by utilizing your hormones.

We support your deficiencies with nutrient dense foods but what about supplements? 

Here are two recommendations from Eureka! 

#1: General Liquid Multivitamin Mineral 

A very general liquid multivitamin mineral, not a tablet, not a capsule, but liquid form is the best as far as absorbing. Another factor when looking at a liquid multivitamin mineral is how it is made and does it use organic nutrients. 

Here at Eureka! we use Fullscript, which is an online supplement store that has guaranteed quality supplements, that are third party tested, and professional grade. We work with our clients to give them personalized supplement protocols and provide them with a 10% discount. You can message us at and we will send you a link to our favorite multivitamin minerals that you can take today! 

#2 Personalized Supplementation 

We know that even our soil is depleted and diets are not optimal, so yes a multivitamin/mineral is important from a nutrient standpoint. But at Eureka!, we want to personalize supplementation. We do not want our clients taking a large amount of supplements long term. 

The way we personalize supplementation is through lab testing. The main one we use is called Nutristat from U.S. Biotech Labs, and it tests a range of nutrients from micro (vitamins/minerals), amino acids, fatty acids to phytochemicals in plants. It is a very broad spectrum test on nutrition that shows you exactly where you are on those levels. 

Once we receive those results we can personalize a supplement just for YOU! We’ve called it the Eureka’s Nutri-blend! It is created through a partner called Freedom to Formulate Personalized Nutrients. We take the actual testing in recommended doses and we build your own individualized compounded supplement! 

The benefit to taking a personalized supplement and not just taking a general vitamin A supplement, is with the general supplement you don’t even know if you’re getting the right dosing, or how long to take it. Instead with Eureka! you are getting a personalized compounded supplement! Now you know the exact dosing needed, you know the duration, and it is your specific formula!

The way you can increase your chances of getting those nutrient deficiencies resolved is through taking a general liquid multi, getting a personalized compounded supplement, and improving your diet! Every person is different in how they process food and how they use food for fuel, even their mindset of how they think about food matters, this is why working with a Eureka! Success Coach is so important! 

It is a new you, it’s a commitment, but it is worth it, and you are rebuilding your health from a metabolic approach, not just calories in, calories out, for long-term results. One important thing is you are not tricking your body anymore! You’re giving it real nutrition and real strategies around DRESS, the five lifestyle pillars of Diet, Rest, Exercise, Stress mastery, and Supplemental therapies to really give your body what it needs, not only to lose weight, but also to conquer health issues. So join us today! You can apply online at 

Check out Video #3 Here!

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