“All disease begins in the gut.” – Hippocrates

Did you know that the GI tract is home to 80% of our immune system? So it would make sense that Hippocrates would make the statement that “all disease begins in the gut.” This is also why we see a link between gut health and many other health issues!!  Gut microbiota are implicated in almost every chronic health condition. The IFM reports, “An imbalanced intestinal microbiome may drive inflammatory conditions such as obesity, diabetes, inflammatory bowel disease, colorectal cancer, and immunosenescence in the elderly,  as well as endocrine diseases and autoimmune conditions.” (1) It is important to take care of our digestive system for our overall health.

Want to heal your gut?   Learn more about our 5 Week Digestive Wellness Protocol Here: Digestive Wellness Protocol

The digestive system is a full north to south process as pictured below. It is important to realize this is a whole system, not just individual parts working independently. If you are experiencing any kind of GI discomfort you may need to look at both the upper and lower areas of the GI tract. For example, is it a lack of digestive enzymes, an overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine, overgrowth of candida in the large intestine, or does it start with trouble chewing your food adequately? Any of these concerns can cause Gi disturbances. When there is an imbalance in the system that is when we can see bloating, gas, upset stomach, diarrhea, constipation, stomach pain and more. 

Other health symptoms that seem to not be gut related at all such as:

  • Migraines
  • Skin conditions (psoriasis, eczema, hives) 
  • Brain fog
  • Anxiety
  • Depression 

Can find relief and resolution when the digestive tract is healed. 


If you are experiencing GI symptoms one option is to run a GI Map Stool Test. An analysis of your stool can show if there are pathogenic bacteria/infections, identify inflammatory markers, and also show if you are lacking beneficial bacteria.   This analysis can be used to create a personalized protocol to best support your digestive system.  Another test that is often used when GI symptoms are present is a food sensitivity test. This type of test looks at a variety of foods to determine if any are causing an inflammatory response. At Eureka! testing and not guessing is preferred. 

Once we know exactly what is causing a disturbance in the digestive tract we can start to use the 5 R Protocol that the Institute of Functional Medicine suggests. The first R is to REMOVE. 


  • Food sensitivities 
  • Pathogenic bacteria/infections
  • Medications/Supplements
  • Stress/ Inflammation Triggers
  • Endocrine Disruptors

The goal of REMOVE is to rid the digestive system of anything that is causing an inflammatory response. By removing food sensitivities the body is able to digest and absorb the foods consumed without causing additional inflammation. Removing pathogenic bacteria and infections can be done with supplements or combinations of certain herbs. Removing stress triggers could be both emotional or spiritual as well as environmental. We have talked about how the gut is referred to as your second brain and therefore sometimes our mental/emotional state can affect our digestive tract as well. Dr. Jocker reports that “research has shown that exposure to high levels of stress can actually alter the composition of your gut bacteria in a negative way.” (3)  


The next R is REPLACE. Chances are if there is an imbalance in the GI system there is a need for replacement of nutrients that may not have been absorbed properly. The image below shows where the nutrients are absorbed in the GI tract. Consuming a diet rich in nutrients and that focuses on anti-inflammatory foods can help to replace what is lacking. There may also be a need to replace certain nutrients with supplements. 

  • Cour four supplements 
  • Nutrients to heal gut lining 
  • Anti-inflammatory foods 
  • Nutrient deficiency additional foods and supplements


After you have removed, replaced, and repopulated the next step is to REPAIR. Using nutrients such as l-glutamine, and collagen, even aloe vera and certain herbs can help to repair the gut lining. Another easy way to REPAIR is to incorporate bone broth into your diet. You can either make your own bone broth or there are some brands available at the store that we would recommend.   

Many times protocols remove and replace but stop short of this vital step of repairing the gut lining.  A condition called Leaky Gut or Intestinal Permeability develops that leads to systemic inflammation and many health symptoms like allergies, autoimmune conditions, gut disorders like Crohns and IBS.   The small intestine is where most all of the nutrient absorption takes place as illustrated above.  When the villi of the intestinal lining are damaged our entire immune system is compromised. 

  • Bone Broth 
  • Nutrients for gut repair (L-glutamine, Formulation, collagen, aloe vera, herbs)


The next R is REPOPULATE. Once food sensitivities are removed it may also be beneficial to incorporate a digestive healing diet as well. Depending on the state of your digestive system a low FODMAP, Specific Carbohydrate, GAPS or combination diet may be encouraged. The coaches at Eureka! work with our clients to decide which diet will be the most beneficial and how to best incorporate these changes. The other important aspect of REPOPULATE is to add prebiotic and probiotic foods into your daily intake. The “trilogy” combination is a great way to REPOPULATE, this includes a serving of Kefir, Kombucha, and Cultured Vegetables every day. Sometimes even the best diet can be lacking the specific probiotics our body needs. Probiotic supplements are a great way to get the specific strands that may be lacking. The Stool Analysis test can show what beneficial bacteria should be added via supplementation. For basic probiotic supplementation look for a supplement that is broad spectrum, contains prebiotics, and has 10-50 billion count.

  • Digestive healing diet (Low FODMAP, Specific Carbohydrate, GAPS)
  • Prebiotic foods
  • Probiotic foods 
  • Probiotic supplements 


Putting all the previous 4 R’s can help rebalance the entire digestive system.  But it is so important to note that STRESS also plays a key role in gut health.   By reducing the high stressors in your life you can support your digestive system?   Psychological stressors (mental and emotional) especially can wreak havoc on our gut lining and microbiome balance.  There is a gut/brain connection that is stimulated in times of stress.  Having stress relieving tools you can use when needed will help:

  • Journaling
  • Prayer targeting
  • Biblical Meditation
  • Music
  • Setting Boundaries (physical, emotional, relational)
  • Deep Breathing
  • Scheduled down time
  • And more…

At Eureka! The coaches work to create a personalized 5 R Digestive Wellness Protocol based on your gut health profile using Nutri-Q online assessment and functional lab testing!

Taking care of your digestive system is ESSENTIAL for your GI health but also for your overall health!  Heal the gut. Heal the body.  

Our team has put together a general Digestive Wellness Protocol that outlines the 5 R’s in a sequential step by step process.   Enroll today to begin mastering your gut health!  Here’s the link to gain immediate access to Eureka! Holistic Nutrition’s 5 Week Digestive Wellness Protocol


  1. https://www.ifm.org/news-insights/ai-immunology-microbiome-therapeutic-probiotics/
  2. Eureka! Holistic Nutrition Functional Nutrition Course
  3. https://drjockers.com/10-ways-improve-gut-microbiome/

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