As Christians, believing the world, and all that is in it, is a result of intentional design by the God of the Bible, allows us to understand food through the lens of Scripture. But how do Scripture and nutrition science align?
How does the Bible clarify nutrition information?

As Christians we rely on God’s Word as our “rule of faith and practice” for finances, relationships, morality, government… but nutrition? Food instructions change from “seed bearing plants will be food for you” to “whatever you eat or drink, do all to the glory of God.”
When an isolated portion of Scripture is pulled out and elevated as the only truth revealed about a certain topic, without looking at the whole message of how it fits into the progression and context… it generates confusion at best and complete error at worst. But when we study Scripture HOLISTICALLY, in context, from Genesis to Revelation, a beautiful framework for nutrition and food emerges. The message of food in the Bible echoes the same message of the entire Bible. It’s a message of …
REVELATION: Food Gives Us a Framework to Know God
God WANTS us to know Him. Love Him. Trust Him. Not a religion, but a relationship. Food is really all about relationships. With the earth. With the animals. With ourselves. And ultimately…with God Himself. That relationship is through faith. Belief is the gate that opens the door to a life of faith. And belief is based on EVIDENCE. Nutrition science is part of this evidence!
I was excited. It was the fall of 2012, and I had just enrolled in NTA’s nutritional therapy program to learn nutrition. My youngest would start school soon, and I was seeking to find my next purpose. But, what I didn’t realize was that God would use nutrition to grow my relationship with Him!
As I started my course work; one connection after another of how foods (physical nourishment) provide a beautiful picture of who God is in the person and work of Jesus provides (spiritual nourishment). The dietary progression throughout the Bible mirrors the spiritual progression of God’s plan for us! AND that progression mirrors true nutrition science concepts I was learning!
One day I will never forget, I was sitting at my kitchen table, and I took a concordance to look up all the food words mentioned in Scripture and how many times they are mentioned. Thought this could bring some insight into nutrition in the Bible. It took me about 3 hours or so (this was before ChatGPT:)
What I discovered was nothing short of amazing!!
Nutritionists talk NUTRIENTS: proteins, carbs, fats, vitamins, minerals… Normal people 🙂 or everyone else talks FOOD: bread, fruit, meat…God talks BOTH.

There were six food words that appeared significantly more times in Scripture than any others. Honey is mentioned, but not one of the top 6, leeks, fish, etc. But these Top 6 Food Words stood out clearly from the rest as the most talked about foods in the Bible.
The Natural Reveals the Spiritual…

These six nutrients and food words used in Scripture highlight who God is and what His purposes are for our physical and spiritual nourishment. The natural reveals the spiritual.
Here’s a quick overview:
“It’s not about the solutes. It’s about the solvents” – The Body’s Many Cries for Water
“The water I (Christ) shall give him will become a fountain of water springing up into everlasting life.” – John 4:14
“And He (Christ) is before all things, and in Him all things consist.” – Col. 1:18
#2 BREAD (Carbohydrate) is the ENERGY SOURCE.
“In whole form sugars and starches are the energy providers that support life.” – Nourishing Traditions
“I am the Bread of Life. This is the bread that came down from heaven. If anyone eats this bread, he will live forever.” – John 6:48, 50-51
#3 MEAT (Protein) is the BUILDER.
“Complete proteins are essential to building our body’s optimal functional status.” – Staying Healthy with Nutrition
“Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!.” – John 1:29
#4 OIL (Fat) is the PROTECTOR.
“Eating healthy, natural fats is the answer to losing weight and achieving good health for a lifetime.” – Eat Fat, Lose Fat
“The spirit of the Lord is upon Me, because He has anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor, heal the brokenhearted, proclaim liberty…” – Luke 4:18
#5 WINE(Minerals) are the CATALYST.
“Any food or beverage that is cultured or fermented contains increased minerals and other nutrients.” – Digestive Wellness 4th Edition
“I am the true vine, my Father is the vinedresser. He who abides in me and I in him the same bears much fruit. For without Me you can do nothing.” – John 15:1 &5
#6 FRUIT (Vitamins) are the HELPERS.
“Berries are wonderful powerhouses of nutrition, full of vitamins and a host of detoxifying substances.” – Gut and Psychology Syndrome
“And I will pray for the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may abide with you forever..” John 14:16
Why these top six food words? They reflect the six macro and micro nutrients.
But there’s one more reason… These top six food words reveal who Jesus is…
He’s the…
Living Water
Bread of Life
Lamb of God
Annointed One
True Vine
First Fruits
This table summarizes the Top Six Food Words in Scripture and how they reflect who God is in Christ: