Rest RX

Rest RX

Tired of living tired?  Fatigue is one of the top three reasons people seek nutrition and health coaching!  Getting to the underlying cause/s for fatigue is essential to restoring wellbeing.   Toxicity, gut imbalances, infections, thyroid and hormonal...

Turning Stress to Strength

Turning Stress to Strength

In this fast paced society being “stressed out” is common for many. Stress can affect your overall health and wellness. It is reported that, “75% to 90% of human disease is related to stress and inflammation, including cardiovascular and metabolic diseases and...

Heal the Gut. Heal the Body.

Heal the Gut. Heal the Body.

“All disease begins in the gut.” - Hippocrates Did you know that the GI tract is home to 80% of our immune system? So it would make sense that Hippocrates would make the statement that “all disease begins in the gut.” This is also why we see a link between gut health...

Spring Cleanse

Spring Cleanse

SPRING CLEANSE:  7 Day Detox Protocol  It’s time for a Spring Cleanse!  Spring is around the corner and you may be thinking of spring cleaning your home.  Why not spring clean YOU! One of the best methods of spring cleaning is to focus on supporting the...

Good Mood Food

Good Mood Food

By: Nicki Strovinskas, RDN Being in a “good mood” could be related to more than just a current feeling. Did you know that the state of your digestive tract could actually have an impact on your emotional/mental health? Being deficient in certain nutrients, blood sugar...

Not So Sweet

Not So Sweet

By Nicki Strovinskas, RDN Now that the holidays are behind us, we are looking forward to a new year filled with healthier habits. One of the easiest habits we can start is reducing our sugar intake. Excess sugar can be hidden in almost every processed food item and...

The P.O.W.E.R. of Probiotics

The P.O.W.E.R. of Probiotics

The battle of good vs. evil is in our guts!  Probiotics are the good little elves at work behind the scenes, creating wellness.  However, the good can sometimes be overtaken by the evil.  Our community balance of microorganisms (our microbiome) has an amazing...

Six Words

Six Words

Nutritionists talk NUTRIENTS: proteins, carbs, fats, vitamins, minerals…  Normal people 🙂 or everyone else talks FOOD: bread, fruit, meat...God talks BOTH.  In our food faith connection today, we’ll look at six words.  These six words are the TOP SIX most used FOOD...

Meat and Bread

Meat and Bread

After the Fall and curse on the ground we follow the times specific foods are mentioned in Scripture and we start to see a pattern of … meat and bread. God’s nutrition instructions and provision at creation and the Garden of Eden was seed bearing foods with the...

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